- Presenter (for Writers): “Your Picture Book as a Mentor Text in the Schools”
- Presenter (for Parent Groups or Teacher In-service Training): Modeling Comprehension Strategies Through Read-alouds
- One-to-One Writing Consultant: Poetry, essay, children’s literature. Adults only.
As a developing poet, I’ve immensely enjoyed working with Beth in a one-on-one relationship that includes back and forth online communication and phone conversations. It’s been a truly revelatory experience! Beth’s knowledge of poetic tradition and craft has helped me become aware of both outside resources and the internal processes involved in writing.
Hers is not a how-to approach, but one grounded in critical inquiry, leading me to discover my own voice, my own strengths as a poet. With Beth’s guidance I better understand how to read (and write) for meaning. I’ve learned to ask of my writing: What is its significance?”
I had written page upon page of poems, but now with Beth’s guidance I’m learning much about the revision process. In the words of Ted Kooser, I will: “Keep pitching them horseshoes.”
– Poet and Writer, Isabel O’Hagin
- Developmental or Line Editing: Essay, short stories, children’s literature. Adults only.
- Writing Group Facilitator: Are you interested in becoming a part of a Writer’s Group? Elizabeth McBride uses Amherst Writers and Artists techniques that strive to support and develop each writer’s own voice and writing style. Adults only.